Last year at this time I published a poem called, The First Christmas . Many people seemed to like it. That encouraged and blessed me. A friend suggested I consider writing an Advent booklet using poetry to inspire readers to consider the meaning and blessings of Christmas. I liked the idea and determined to put the work into writing one in time for the next Christmas (this year).
As the year began, I did some work toward that project. I got one poem completed. But, in time, other writing opportunities began to push that project back, off center stage. Eventually it was relegated to space behind the curtains in the wings with other incomplete ideas and summarily ignored.
The other day, while pulling back the curtains on some of my writing files, there it was—the one poem that I finished titled, The Blessings of Christmas. I pulled it up on the screen and read it over several times. It really needed some more work and so, since those other projects were in their final phases, I spent the last few days giving the Blessings poem my full attention again.
I think it is ready to share as my Christmas contribution for 2022. While we begin the sprint (at least it seems that way) toward Christmas Day let's remember where the real blessings of Christmas are found. I do hope you enjoy it. I always appreciate feedback so that I can improve. (While I enjoy learning the craft of writing, it is also very humbling. For me there is still much to learn and practice. )
Merry Christmas! I encourage you to be the kind of blessing to others that restores their hope and initiates or strengthens their faith in the Baby of Christmas.